Theme Features

  •  pages/themes.featured_icons..title  | EasyStore


Our merchants made 2,823,652,351 in sales

50K+ merchants & brands
30+ countries & regions
100+ app integrations
80+ industry partners

Why businesses use EasyStore

  • Re:Gine HoJiak | EasyStore
    To set up the platfrom is not that diifficult. We just need to set it once, and it is up and running. EasyStore help to speed up the buying process and we are able to boost 80% of our sales with the promotion tools.
    Re:Gine HoJiak Tommy — Founder
  • Darasara | EasyStore
    We used to manage our business manually, switching between different platforms to manage our business. It was really disorganized. We don't have to do much with EasyStore because it will categorise which consumers originated from which platform for you.
    Darasara Raushan Yuzer — Founder