Theme Features

  •  pages/themes.featured_icons..title  | EasyStore


Our merchants made 12,330,889,820 in sales

50K+ merchants & brands
30+ countries & regions
100+ app integrations
80+ industry partners

Why businesses use EasyStore

  • Hisbrew Coffee | EasyStore
    The seamless approach that EasyStore provides, by merging various marketplace onto one platform is priceless. Tried other platforms that claims similar capabilities, but still ended up sticking with EasyStore due to its ease of use.
    Hisbrew Coffee Josh — Founder
  • Emajie | EasyStore
    With EasyStore, everything has become effortlessly manageable, and there's no looking back. As I expand my retail business, EasyStore remains my unwavering choice, simplifying every aspect of growth.
    Emajie Ahmad Suhail — Founder