Theme Features

  •  pages/themes.featured_icons..title  | EasyStore


我们的品牌商家创造了12,330,889,820 的营业额

50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 国家地区
200+ 扩充应用
80+ 生态伙伴


  • Solnar | EasyStore
    對我而言,EasyStore 非常適合剛開始起步並希望經營品牌的商家,因為需要投入的資金較低,比較沒有那麼吃力。尤其 EasyStore 後台介面操作一點都不複雜,而且還有很多漂亮的佈景主題版型及行銷工具,非常推薦!
    Solnar Alice — 創辦人
  • AkuDesign | EasyStore
    EasyStore has transformed the way we interact with our customers. It's streamlined our inventory management and integrated all sales channels, enhancing customer satisfaction across the board.
    AkuDesign Amirel Amen bin Anuar — Brand Founder